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IMPORTANT! It is strongly recommended to use 613-core optical fiber cables only.
Such cable core has 613 thin threads inside and very high transmission index. TTL Converter is calibrated for this cable type only.
Nowadays, many different manufacturers at underwater photo gear market use the 613 core fiber in their cables production. The examples of 613 type cables: Nauticam 26216 / 26217, HowShot 613L, Sea&Sea 50133 / 50128 / 50135 etc. Carefully inspect the optical cable model and condition. In case of using another type cable, or hardly used cable, or defective core cable, – user will get a wrong flash exposure of underwater shots.
Set an acceptable small “Standby Timer” (or “Power Off Delay”) and other small times of camera activity (time for image viewing, menu displaying time etc.) in the camera menu. This is important for TTL Converter battery saving. When camera is in Standby mode or switched OFF, the TTL-Converter is automatically switched OFF. Recommended time – 4…10 seconds. This is a normal time to view an image underwater and save energy the same time. Don’t set any significant time, it causes quick battery exhausting. If all timers are set properly, the battery has incredibly long life, – more than 3 years of continuous work.
Internal TTL-Converters maintain synchronization for underwater strobes by Fiber Optical Cable connection and by Electric Sync Cord connection as well, even simultaneously.
External TTL-Converters maintain only Optical Cable connection.
Our goal is to provide our customers with the best underwater electronics and synchronization solutions. In close cooperation with various underwater strobes manufacturers, we update the firmware for our devices in a timely manner. At the moment, our TTL converters provide synchronization with the following underwater strobes:
Inon Z-240/ Z-330/ S-220/ D-200, Sea&Sea YS-D1 / YS-D3 Mark II / YS-D3 DUO / YS-250, Ikelite DS-232 / DS-230 / DS-162 / DS161 /, DS160 / DS-125, Subtronic Pro-270 / Pro-160, Retra Pro MAX (including HSS), Marelux APOLLO III V2.0 (including HSS), Marelux APOLLO-S (including HSS).
We offer a wide range of products for underwater housings from different manufacturers.
TTL-Converters are designed for underwater housings of the following brands: Nauticam, Marelux, Sea&Sea, Hugyfot, Isotta, Seacam, Seafrogs, Nexus, Ikelite, Aquatica, Easydive.
After the dive, please, switch off the camera and disconnect the TTL-Converter from the hot shoe. This is impotent fo battery energy saving.
For a longtime storage remove batteries from TTL-Converter.